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¿What is happening with refugees of Afghanistan?

Written by: Sebastian Gómez.

During the second session of the committee of UNHCR, the main topic of debate focused on what to do with Afghani refugees. Due to the horrible amount of systematic violence in the country, many people have been forced to leave their homes and try to search for a new place in the world. But this task has been hard for them, there are a few options that they can choose from, and there isn’t enough space in some of these refugee centers, causing more immigrants to leave for other countries.

Many delegations have expressed their different worries for the current situation, and some even started proposing possible solutions. One of the solutions that mostly stood out was choosing a new leader. The delegation of the United Arab Emirates proposed a fair election of a new leader that can guide the people to a better place. But some delegations were uncertain, because of the sudden rise of a new question: How can the government ensure that the elections will not be rigged?

Later on, the debate continued with an intervention by the United States, which stated that they were deeply concerned about the debate, because no delegation was truly interested in trying to solve the problem. The delegation also stated that the committee should be trying to search for a solution, though they did not mention nor reference any of the previous solutions suggested. Afterwards, the United States said that they were open to receiving a very limited and strict number of immigrants from Afghanistan.

We are waiting for the final result of the debate, hopefully a viable solution.

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